Episode 73: Bloody Hell/Murder by the Clock
03/28/2021 10:58
journey with a cinephile | journey with a cinephile: a horror movie podcast | bloody hell | murder by the clock | i see you | habitual | the last man on earth | game of death | odyssey through the ones

Where to Listen:
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/c7b4e0c/podcast/rss
Time Codes:
Intro: 0:00 - 2:58
Eemeli, Esa Pakarinen - Säkkijärven polkka: 2:58 - 5:17
Mini-Reviews: 5:17 - 27:45
Bloody Hell Trailer: 27:45 - 30:15
Bloody Hell Review: 30:15 - 42:33
Murder by the Clock Trailer: 42:33 - 47:30
Murder by the Clock Review: 47:30 - 56:38
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill Origins Track 1: 56:38 - 1:01:00
Outro: 1:01:00 - 1:03:02
Social Media:
Reviews of the Dead Link: https://horrorreview.webnode.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dgarrettjr
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/davidosu/
Instagram: davidosu87
Journey with a Cinephile Instagram: journeywithacinephile