Episode 173: There’s Something Wrong with the Children/Def by Temptation
03/01/2023 10:09
journey with a cinephile | there's something wrong with the children | def by temptation | doctor strange in the multiverse of madness | huesera: the bone woman | frankenstein meets the wolf man | corpses | night watch | frightmare | podcast | traverse through the threes

Where to Listen:
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/c7b4e0c/podcast/rss
Time Codes:
Intro: 0:00 - 2:59
Mini-Reviews: 3:05 - 32:29
There's Something Wrong with the Children Trailer: 32:29 - 34:15
There's Something Wrong with the Children Review: 34:15 - 43:09
Def by Temptation Trailer: 43:09 - 46:21
Def by Temptation Review: 46:21 - 54:38
Outro: 55:45 - 58:10
Social Media:
Reviews of the Dead Link: https://horrorreview.webnode.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dgarrettjr
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/davidosu/
Instagram: davidosu87
Journey with a Cinephile Instagram: journeywithacinephile